SOMEWHERE in the city, inside a small loft apartment, three unsuspecting people are about to encounter something very strange…but they just might find the meaning of life.
LAUGHING AT THE MOON is a character-driven story about Iris Kreedle. Iris is an eccentric and altruistic woman who comes to live with a self-absorbed, compulsive and snobby roommate named Natalie, who is her polar opposite. Iris’ hilarious antics and Christ-like sacrificial lifestyle, slowly but lovingly transform everyone she meets.
“Laughing At The Moon” is based on a stage play by the same name. The stage play version came in as top finalist in a nationwide State Theatre, Plays and Playwright Festival Contest. “Laughing At The Moon” played to sold out crowds in California and North Carolina, receiving rave reviews and touching many lives starring Erin Bethea from Fireproof.